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WELCOME TO OUR BLOG. . tHis tiMe for KeDuBeS3 !! :D

. .KeDuBeS3. .

We are from different background with our own UNIQUE TALENTS. .

We fill our friendship with MILLION COLOR. .

. . KeDuBeS3 u will never forgetting . .

Rabu, 30 Maret 2011

kLarifikasi ajja !!!!

nii nda maksud ap2 iia,,buKannya aq nda nghargai kaLian semua,,aq cuma ga' tw mw tuLis ap Lgii...
sekaLi maaf kLo ad pihak-pihak yang tersinggung dengan saLah satu post di bLog inii....

by : Yeni NabiLLa.....

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